We are proud of the materials and workmanship that goes into each VODAPOD bottle and guarantee our products against manufacturer's defects. If you think any of your VODAPOD products have a manufacturer defect please fill out the form below.
You may be asked to return the product to VODAPOD for our quality assurance team so please retain the defective product until the warranty claim is closed. Expect to hear from us within 2-5 business days.
*PLEASE NOTE: If you received a damaged product purchased from other retailers, online or brick and mortar, you will need to return damaged product to their original place of purchase.
Normal wear and tear, including scratches and dents, misuse of product, such as damage from placing bottles in a microwave or dishwasher, are not covered under the VODAPOD Warranty. Lost or stolen items are also not covered.
If you purchased your VODAPOD product from a retailer, we recommend returning it to the retailer to avoiding return shipping charges.